The KÉPAF PhD Prize 2011-2012 was awarded to József Molnár.



The KÉPAF PhD Prize 2011-2012

The KÉPAF PhD Prize will be awarded to a postdoctoral researcher selected by the PhD Prize Committee elected by the KÉPAF Governing Board.
The PhD Prize will be awarded for the first time at KÉPAF 2013. Potential PhD Prize candidates are encouraged to submit their proposal by 2012-Dec-01. Decision on the Prize winner will be made before 2012-Dec-31. A candidate must have a PhD degree obtained in Hungary in the period of 2011-2012. The topic of the PhD must belong to computer vision, image processing, or a closely related area.
The complete terms and conditions of the PhD Prize (in Hungarian) can be read here.
The list of the documents to be submitted in electronic form is:

1) Recommendation letter of the Phd advisor(s) including the highlights of the substantial results of the candidate
2) The copy of PhD certificate issued by a Hungarian istitute
3) The PhD Thesis and the Thesis booklet in English or in Hungarian
4) The oponent's reviews and the answers
5) The list of publications related to the PhD dissertation published or accepted before the thesis defence
6) Declaration of coauthors

How to submit a proposal

To submit a proposal the CMT system is to be used.

1. Log in to the KÉPAF 2013 CMT system.
2. Select the "Create a new paper submission" link.
3. Select the track "PhD Prize".
4. Give the required data and upload the required documents in the order specified above.

The KÉPAF PhD Prize 2011-2012 Committee


  • Dmitrij Chetverikov (SZTAKI)


  • László Czúni (PE)
  • András Hajdú (DE)
  • Zoltan Kato (SZTE)
  • Tamás Szirányi (SZTAKI)
  • László Szirmay-Kalos (BME)